Monday, July 4, 2011

It's been a while...

Still Level 1, missed my Level 2 test by a few hours.  Not a biggie, just a few months behind where I could have been.  So I'm training three times a week now and its a kick in the junk.  Last time I trained I helped out some guys who are going to compete in the Integrated Martial arts System style, which is really a mashup of Taekwondo and MMA.  I won't bother explaining it here, now, too complicated.  I tapped a couple of guys out a few times, it was a fun deal.  The biggest problem I'm having in Krav is getting my flinch reaction to pistol disarms down.  I'm doing pretty good with knife techniques and defense, but I need to remember when doing inside and outside defenses I need to use my forearms and not slap with my hands.  I'm accurate with my hands, but that was something that I learned in Muay Thai.  I was not sure if I would be happy with Krav Maga when I started, mostly because I was not used to getting exhausted BEFORE I did technique work nor was I used to drills that kept you exhausted.  The Marine Corps Martial Arts Program really never kicked my butt the way Krav does, or the instructors that I had during my active duty time sucked really badly.  I'm so happy I'm doing Krav, and I would love to get my kids into it once they've gotten a little older.  I'm not sure how a 4 year old Kravist would look defending himself in preschool.  They do enjoy hitting the Asp kicking pad that I have though.  My daughter is good at knees from the clinch.
For strength and conditioning I started Matt Wiggins Championship 2.0 workout ( ) and so far I am really enjoying the length and variety in the workout.  I am not compensated for my "endorsement" of this program, I just really enjoy doing it.  Long story short, you go through some phases of training that build upon each other and the program is flexible in terms of rest and weight so that you can do what YOU need to do.  You decide how long you rest and how much weight you need.  The workout was made specifically for an MMA Fighter, who chose another S&C Program and lost his fight.  Matt built the program to be specifically flexible for time as well-he already has suggestions for variations and deviations from the original 12 week program.  Additionally, Matt Wiggins is very approachable and available on Facebook.
My problems are that I am not back to where I used to be in strength, or flexibility when I was in the Corps and actively PT'ing before a Doctor had me cut to no PT due to a head injury.  My whole body is weak, as individual parts and as a system.  I can barely do 5 chin-ups and no pull-ups, getting up off of the ground is a pain and doing burpees w/ a pushup at the bottom are almost impossible.  I started Week 2 of Championship 2.0 today and I love it.  I have a weight bench that doubles as a squat rack so I can do some of the workouts in my garage but the rest of them do not require complicated equipment.  I could do them with some of my military gear, and I can do another workout with my TRX and a pair of kettlebells.  Thanks Matt!